Christian Creeds & Reformed Co App

Christian Creeds & Reformed Co
Description of App
This application will help anyone better understand the Christian faith.
This application, developed in collaboration with Westminster Seminary California, provides a searchable library of the most universally used Christian creeds and the principal theological standards of the Continental Reformed and English Presbyterian churches. Included are the three ancient creeds (the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed); the 'Three Forms of Unity' (the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort); and the Westminster Standards (the Westminster Confession and the Shorter and Larger Catechisms.)
Complete scripture references are included, both in the app itself (KJV), for offline viewing, and by hyperlinks to a user-selectable online site, for use when an internet connection is available. A full-text search capability (with editable search history) allows you to instantly find words, phrases and scripture references within a single document or across the entire library.
This application will help anyone better understand and appreciate the depth and richness of the Christian faith as it has been historically understood.
Thanks to James H. Price for allowing me to port his excellent iPhone app to Android.
Permissions of App

This application has access to the following:
Network communication
full Internet access
Allows an application to create network sockets.
What's in this version:
Added ability to install to SD card.
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