Download android -What is Islam App

What is Islam? App
Description of the Android
Islam,Muslim,Muhammad(pbuh),Religion,Allah,God,Jesus,Hijab,Terrorism,Jihad,Women,Peace,What is Islam?Recent world events have raised a general curiosity about Islam and its teachings. Tons of questions have been raised about Islam: What is Jihad?, is it a struggle to achieve peace or is it related to terrorism?, what about women? Second class citizens or equal to a man? Four wives?,What is the Quran all about? Who is this Allah that Muslims worship? Etc. etc.Though information about Islam is readily available online, not every website is teaching authentic information and not every scholar appearing in the media is reliable, thus the need for an app about Islam that supplies detailed info is authentic and is easy to use.

Brief Introduction to Islam:Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets toevery people. For a fifth of the world's population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way oflife. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the majority have nothingto do with the extremely grave events which have come to be associated with their faith.
Application contains following main topics
  • Islam for Peace
  • Common Questions
  • Hot topics
  • Free stuff
  • Audios
  • Videos
  • Ask your question
  • Quranic verses
  • Glossary of Islamic terms
  • Sayings of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)
Some Common Questions
  • What is Islam?
  • ISLAM: The Religion of All Prophets
  • What non-Muslim scholars say about Islam?
  • Who is Allah?
  • The One True God
  • Who Do Muslims Worship?
  • Prophethood in Islam
  • Jesus (Peace be upon him)
  • How Did Jesus' People Know Him?
  • Who was Jesus?
  • The Moral System of Islam
  • Head Covers (Hijab)
  • Life After Death
  • Life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
  • Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) - Mercy to Mankind
  • The Most Influential Person in History
  • The Message of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
  • What non-Muslim scholars said about Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him)
  • Who is Your Role Model?
  • Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) - The Only Hope of Mankind

Screenshots of App

In "Hot Topics" following hot topics related to Islam are covered
1. What does Islam say about Terrorism?
2. What is the meaning of jihad?
3. Human Rights in Islam
4. What is the Islamic view on suicide, "mercy" killings and abortion?
5. Status of Women in Islam
6. Four wives?

In "Sayings of Prophet Muhammad(p)" you will see few samples of sayings of Prophet Muhammad
"Free stuff" is only for our non-Muslim guests, following literature will be provided for this request
based on availability.
1. Quran - English translation - Saheeh International translation (no Arabic text)
2. Biography - Biography of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
3. The Message - Magazine
4. Book - Clear your doubts about Islam (Question and Answers about various Islamic topics)
In "Audios" following topics are covered.
1. Islamic Concept of God – Dr. Bilal Philips
2. Real Meaning of Peace - Sheikh Abdur Raheem Green
3. The True Message of Jesus – Dr. Bilal Philips
4. The Solution for Humanity – Dr. Bilal Philips
5. Muslim Contributions to Science – Imam Shabir Ally
6. Islam Women’s Ideal Liberation - Yvonne Ridley
7. Muslims Misguided or Misunderstood – Gary Miller
8. How to get peace and joy in life – Sheikh Yasir Qadih
9. Why believe in the hereafter? - Abdullah Hakim Quick
10. The Truth about Holidays – Abdullah Hakim Quick
In "Videos" following topics are covered.
1. Proof of Islam
2. Preservation of the Qur'an
3. Oral transmission of the Qur'an
4. Preservation of the sayings of the Prophet
5. The miracle of the Arabic language
6. Stories of those who heard the Qur'an
7. Embryology in the Qur'an
8. Scientific facts in the Qur'an (Part 1)
9. Scientific facts in the Qur'an (Part 2)
10. Historical facts
11. Witness of the people of the Book
12. Muhammad(s) in the Bible (Part 1)
13. Muhammad(s) in the Bible (Part 2)
14. Prophecies of the Prophet(pbuh)
15. Signs of the Last Day
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